Tuesday, November 9, 2010

English Family

Much to my surprise, there are some positives for being behind on my blog - 1) I get to look at my work that I haven't looked at since editing, burning the CD and shipping it off  2) I get to revisit all the happy moments in these images and then share them with you!

2 posts in a row of beautiful families! This one is of the English Family. I have known them for about a year and we met through a friend. I've grown really close to Alison and am very thankful that we met. Its so nice to find a good friend as an adult. Its really not that easy to do! I'd also like to point out how crazy I am about little Charlotte. She has red hair and I always say she is in my red head club. :) I've always wanted a red headed child and although I used to be scared of having a girl, some recent trials have changed this. I would be blessed to have any healthy child, I truly mean that, having a red head would just be the icing on the cake!


  1. Oh, those are wonderful!! The kids look so happy!!! Great moments you captured, Suzie!!! Beautiful family, Alison!

  2. Thought I commented here! So love our pictures. Great job - as usual - and I hope you get your red-head one day because you red heads sure are special. Love you! :)
