Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ruckart Family

Family portraits are so important to me. Of course, this probably doesn't surprise you that I'm saying this - I mean, I AM a pro photographer. But seriously, capturing how your kids grow & change over the years is a big deal! Maybe this is such a big deal to me because I'm a middle child and I got gypped when it comes to photos. My own mother doesn't even have photos of her kids 'growing up' in the house. And she only has photos of her grand-kids because I have given them to her and basically made her display them. My Nana (her mom) is the same way. I'm really glad that is one trait I did not inherit! Maybe this is another reason that I have SO many photo displayed in my own home (poor husband). I just think its great when I walk into someone's home and see years of photos displayed in coffee table albums or on the wall. Its fabulous. Just look at this family below. They are beautiful! Big brother Cooper and Baby Judah - man, aren't they precious? Capturing this special time for the Ruckart family was a blast! Cooper was so much fun and Judah was the epitome of a "Gerber Baby". Enjoy!

I LOVE this job ~ Suzie

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