Monday, March 8, 2010

Pierce Dean -- Newborn

Pierce Dean Wilson was born on February 7th and these photos were taken just a week later on the 14th. There is something so very special about a baby's first week. They make the cutest faces and you curl them up into the most adorable positions. Well, I should say MOST babies. Pierce is not a fan of his stomach so not too many 'butt shots' of sweet Pierce. Isn't he the cutest? I've seen A LOT of babies and he is definitely up there in the top 3 best looking babies I've ever seen. He might even be #1 but don't tell my other friends/family. There is also something so incredible about watching a close friend become a mother. Its inspiring and heart-melting (if that makes sense). Although Pierce had only been in Jenny's life for a week at this point, it was so beautiful watching her interact with him and seeing the pure love in his face when he realized his mother was near. This is one of those things that makes this job so priceless. I encourage all of you out there to have professional photographs taken of your newborns. These are the times you will want to remember...and while we're on the topic, I think you should go ahead and plan on newborn, one month, 3 mths, 6 mths, 9 mths & then every year there after! You will not regret it. 

How I love this job! 
ps. These photos do not have all the cool frames etc I usually have because I saved all that work on my external hard drive that crashed this past week. Ugh. I'm still not quite over all of the personal photos I lost. Luckily I'm good about backing up my Split Second Photography stuff. :)

1 comment:

  1. These are just precious! Beautiful work, as usual, Suzie! :)
